Previously we reported that the upper doors were at Sparta Sheet
metal for the purpose of making new ones. Ed has been working with
Don at Sparta and they discovered that the 16' piano hinge used to
attached the door to the roof had a bind. This bind was causing the
door to sag in the up position.
Because of space limitations in the work bay, all
the work has to be done outside. Fortunately it was not raining or
snowing but it was blowing and the temperature was 45 F.

Don at Sparta Sheet Metal, and Ed DeVries designed and built four
new large hinges with which to mount the door to the roof of the
Futurliner. Dick Saddler points to problem hinge. They mounted the
left door on the Futurliner and at the end of the day it was
operating without any sag.

While the left door was being mounted onto the Futurliner the right
door was being prepared to be mounted. Last spring, using everyone's
ideas to eliminate door sag, we added all kinds of braces. Today all
this metal was removed by cutting, burning, and grinding it off.
This job was done by Jerry, Paul, Wayne, Connie, and Don. Next week
we will tackle installing this door, assuming we have decent

Howard welds the new hinge in place.

Close up of the new hinge.

Ed DeVries positions his high-low for lifting the door off the

The door is wheeled into the work bay on a dolly.

Final preparations before lifting the door into place.

The door is hung back on the Futurliner with care. Next week the
door on the other side will be installed.

This picture shows the ventilation hatch in the ceiling of the

The cockpit dash is finished and looking great!

Wayne and Jerry do some wood crafting.