Ron Pratte and Corky Coker make another miracle happen for the
Futurliner restoration project with their donation and work to
recreate 10 new tires with the original embossed letters on them.
Pictured is the delivery truck with the tires on board! |

The truck driver and Dick Sadler unload the tires from the semi into Del's pickup. These are
big heavy tires and require a few extra hands. |

Del is inside his pickup, taking the tires from Wayne Jackson & Dick
Sadler, racking & stacking them for the trip
over to Don Mayton's place where the Futurliner is waiting. |

Dick demonstrates just how large the Futurliner tires are as he
compares them to the tires on Don's 1936 Buick.

With some help from Steve Cordes & John Ujvari from Cordes Trucking
company the new tires are installed in time for the Vicksburg Old
Car Show. |

It's hard to see but the tires are embossed with "GENERAL
sure look great on the Futurliner! |