
Miracle at Beaverdam, a video about the
restoration of Futurliner #10 is now available on DVD or VHS.
Written, directed and produced by volunteer Don Bratt, the video
covers the background of the GM Parade of Progress, the history of
#10 and its restoration.
The video includes original media clips on the GM
Parade of Progress and chronicles Don Mayton's quest to restore one.
As production ramps up on these videos, we'll make information
available on how to order one. The "donation" will be $25,
which includes shipping.
In case you're wondering, Beaverdam is the name
of the small community in West Michigan where Don Mayton, Director
of Restoration, lives and where the Futurliner is being restored.

The Premier Showing of the Futurliner video began with a Pizza
dinner for the volunteers and their spouses.

After dinner, the group gathered in the auditorium the viewing of
"Miracle At Beaverdam." The video is about approximately
45 minutes.

Restoration Director, Don Mayton praised
the volunteers for their hard work, dedication and sacrifice to see
the restoration of #10 through to completion. He also mentioned that
at every crossroad in this project a skilled individual has stepped
up to volunteer services or financial backing.

Don Bratt, producer of the Miracle at Beaverdam, spoke about his
year-long adventure in producing the video. He wrote the script,
found volunteers to assist with its technical production and
directed and edited the video. Many thanks to Calvin College for
their technical assistance.

Snow (dressed in a Parader uniform) obtains an autograph from Don

Kevin Buist, Video Technical at Calvin College
(foreground) helped with putting the video together.

Don Bratt and John Howard working at the edition console.

John Howard, narrator for the video.