Truck driver and company owner George Crouse poses with a Peterbilt tractor that dwarfs the
The Futurliner patiently waits in storage for show time!
Futurliner volunteer Ed DeVries provides historical background on
the Futurliner and restoration for the Des Moines local TV8. The
show was held at the Salisbury House Automotive Classic.
Show time has the Futurliner rubbing bumpers with some real
Buick Y Job and the G.M. LeSabre from the G.M. Heritage Museum
poise on the show field with with the Futurliner.
Long lines of people patiently wait their turn to climb up into the
cab to glimpse a view of the future from yesteryear.
It's Friday night dinner in a Cadillac dealer's garage and the Futurliner is center stage for the
evening's activities.