Paul has completed 15 of the last 20 holes for the running lights
that are at the bottom of the Futurliner. The last 5 will done when
that portion of the rubber trim is in place.

By the end of Tuesday the remaining trim to be done was the left
front door and the left rear 1/4 of the Futurliner.

Ed had several crews working to install
the aluminum siding. I know I will miss some of the names working
with Ed but here goes: Ed, Tom, John, Steve, Chuck, Don, Ron, Ken
and Wes. By the end of Tuesday the remaining trim to be done was the
left front door and the left rear 1/4 of the Futurliner.

Tire makes a perfect mold-form for trim

Art, working at home, completed the hubcap that
was donated by the Peter Pan Bus company. Today, final wet sanding was
done using 600 grit paper. Next week, the final buffing will be

Art and Connie completed all the repairs on the
front bumper and have it in final primer. They also worked
installing the right rear section of the rear bumper. Jim continues
to fabricate the missing rear bumper section.

Working on the bumpers.

Ron Elzinga becoming expert buffer.

Connie working on the back bumper.

Chuck Ballard drove two days on his motorcycle, in driving
rain and high winds (gusts here in Western Michigan of 55 mph) from
Syracuse, NY. He then pitched his tent Sunday at the Holland State
park on Lake Michigan. Then on Monday, broke camp and showed up here
and worked all day with the rest of the volunteers. After the work
session on Monday, he started his two day trip back to New York.
Thanks Chuck.